This whole ordeal with Tiger Woods got started when was involved in car accident at 2:30 in the morning one night last week. When the story first hit the news, everyone immediately began talking about what could have caused the crashed. There was lots of speculation about why he was out that late at night and if alcohol was involved. As more information leaked out, it was learned that he had not been drinking before the crash that occurred just down the street from his house. The crash was occurred when Tiger somehow lost control of his car and ran off the road. He proceeded to slam into a fire hydrant and then a tree. A policeman who arrived at the scene described the damage to his Cadillac Escalade as “not too heavy, but not too light”. Tiger was taken to the hospital to be treated for some cuts and bruises that resulted from the crash. He returned home the next day and despite much curiosity about what caused the crash, the event had not turned into that big of a deal. However, after authorities did some more investigating, the news came out that Tiger may have left his house because he and his wife had been involved in a vicious argument. If that wasn’t bad enough, it turned out that this argument had been the result of Tiger’s alleged affair with another woman. I was really skeptical at first. Considering that Tiger had always had an extremely good reputation for having good morals and not being involved in any sort of wrongdoing, I was hard for me to believe that he could have done such a thing. I have always had a lot of respect for Tiger Woods because of his great accomplishments in professional golf. I have also viewed Tiger as a person who possessed great character and morals. After hearing the recent news of his affair, I can’t help but lose some of the respect I once had for him. Committing adultery is a terrible thing and is something that I have no sympathy for. I am shocked that he would do such a horrible thing to his wife and family. It just doesn’t seem like something that Tiger would ever do, but I guess everyone is human.
The next shocking news came from the NBA Basketball player Ron Artest. He is a player that has a history of being a total wild man and he has been in trouble before. He is most famous for starting one of the largest fights in NBA history when he punched one of his opponents in the face. The punch started a huge brawl between both teams and fans became involved as well. The story totally dominated the news for a week. His most recent announcement did not draw near as much attention, but I was still very surprised by it. According to Artest, he used to drink liquor during half-time of basketball games. This just proves that Artest is a total idiot. Even if it were true, why would you ever admit something like that? Some professional athletes amaze me with the ridiculous things they do. And if this was true, I don’t see how it could have possibly helped him to play while he was drunk. Stuff like this just makes absolutely no since to me.
The next event I’d like to comment on occurred just this last weekend. It was a college football game between #3Texas and #22Nebraska. The winner of the game would be name the Big 12 Conference champion. However, for Texas there was much higher stakes than the conference championship. Texas needed to win this game in order to go to the national championship. It was a very exciting game. There were very few points scored, as the defense dominated for both teams. When it came down to the final minute of the game, Nebraska led 12-10. Texas had the ball, but needed do drive down the field and get close enough to kick a field goal. With eight seconds left, Texas quarterback, Colt McCoy, attempted to get a little closer before his team tried to make a winning field goal. To the surprise of many, he waited forever to pass the ball. He finally threw the ball out of bounds at with one second left. But after he threw it, the last second ticked off the clock and it was thought that Nebraska had won the game. Everyone was in awe of the poor judgment made by the quarterback. However, after the referees checked the video replay, they confirmed that one second was still left on the clock. Texas would have its chance to kick the winning field goal. A 46 yard field goal would be no easy task for the kicker. A kick at that distance is certainly makeable, but average college kicker would probably miss from that range about half the time. Despite the intense pressure, the Texas kicker managed to make the winning field and Texas survived the closest call it could have possibly had.